NGRHS Alumni Association Meeting - Tuesday, July 19, 2005


Bill Bruhm, Sylvia MacKay, Alice Silver, Robert Blackadar, Bob Carey, Gloria Corkum, Florence Wright, Glenn Carey, Franklyn Dauphinee, Anzil Blackadar, Gloria Feindel, Merna Cox, Joanne Chiasson, Shirley Crouse, Kim Mayo, Wendy Looke, Brenda Fancey, Norma Barkhouse-Woodworth, Jonathan Crouse, Coline MacDonald

Meeting was chaired by Kim Mayo and Jonathan Crouse

The New Alumni Executive approved at the General Meeting on July 2nd was presented:

  • President - Jonathan Crouse
  • 1st Vice - President - Kim Mayo
  • 2nd Vice - President - Gloria Corkum
  • Past President - Bill Bruhm
  • Treasurer - Wendy Looke
  • Secretaries - Merle Veinot and Coline MacDonald

A list of suggestions given by Alumni Members during and after the reunion was read by Kim. This was followed by a group discussion on the positives and the things that can be improved upon for the 2010 reunion. (A list of the majority of those is attached).

A letter from Catherine Robar was read and her suggestions and comments are included in the attached sheet where appropriate. Catherine also provided us with a copy of the Sunday Worship Service which has been added to our binder of memorabilia. One of Catherine's suggestions concerning inviting the public to a future Worship Service was met with unanimous approval.

Coline will send letters to people not on our committee who donated time, talents etc. to the success of the reunion. (A list of those recipients is attached).

It was moved by Glenn Carey and seconded by Robert Blackadar that we continue with the website set up by Merle.

When the group was asked if anyone knew of someone who was a pro in website design the name Tom Rogers came up - that will be entirely up to Merle to look into if he wishes.

It was moved by Franklyn Dauphinee and seconded by Gloria Corkum that we proceed with checking into the feasibility of a written Newsletter to be sent to Alumni Members only.

Following a short discussion on having a video made by Shaun Whynacht of the 50th Reunion it was suggested by Glenn Carey that we contact our data base with e-mail access to get a feel about interest in such a video. At the same time we can ask for pictures to be sent in by Alumni.

Bill Bruhm reported that a Liaison Committee (Student Alumni Committee) is in the formation stages. It has been 30 years since such a committee functioned at the High School. As an Alumni Committee we are asked to keep a Liaison Committee involved - for obvious reasons.

Bill also reported that the hallway from the lobby to cafeteria is to be known as "Alumni Hall" and will highlight graduates. Also, the new gardens on either side of the front steps have been named "Alumni Gardens".

Bob Carey spoke of a concern in the process of continuity. A brief discussion followed. All agreed that we should be enticing more alumni to become members (pay dues)!!

A short discussion took place on getting all present pictures put into albums for protection and to have names put with each picture. We also talked about trying to collect as much memorabilia from all years as possible. Bill is going to look into the logistics of having "left-over" photos taken during the school year (especially those gathered by year book staff) donated to the Alumni. As he pointed out, there is now a legal procedure involved with getting students and parents to give permission for photos to be used.

There are still a few anniversary pins available for sale.

Glenn Carey moved the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Brenda Fancey.